FSM and Fibromyalgia

A new treatment is available for more than three million fibromyalgia sufferers in the United States and millions more worldwide. Frequency specific microcurrent (FSM) treatment, initially developed by Dr. Carolyn McMakin in 1995 to treat muscle pain in the head, neck and face, is currently being used by more than 700 qualified practitioners in the U.S. to relieve the suffering of chronic pain sufferers.

Conventional Pain Relief Treatment of Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is thought to be influenced by various factors including sleep disorders, injuries, autonomic system dysfunction, genetics and gender. Traditionally, fibromyalgia has been treated with pain medication, antidepressants, massage therapy as well as many other remedies.

While these treatments have been somewhat effective at decreasing painful symptoms, they have not been as beneficial as the early results of frequency specific microcurrent therapy. For patients suffering from chronic fibromyalgia, the spinal cord stimulation treatment offers a spectacular reduction in symptoms such as pain and tenderness in the neck, face, back; stiffness; and tingling sensations.

*Frequency Specific Microcurrent*

What is it and how does it work? A clear and simple explanation? (A deep, detailed explanation follows this simpler explanation)

The roots of Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) date back to the early 1900’s from Dr. Albert Abrams, who was the first physician to use calibrated instruments capable of detecting the radiations of living tissue. Dr. Abrams concluded that: all matter radiates electromagnetic energy; the characteristics of the radiations from any type of matter depend upon the molecular constituents of the material examined; and the radiations emitted by the different organs of living tissues can be detected, selectively differentiated, and the amplitudes measured. Dr. Abrams became convinced that the frequencies involved were radio waves and that electronic equipment could be developed to neutralize and eliminate disease radiations.

Modern FSM utilizes hundreds of frequencies within the range of .01 to 999 Hz, with varying intensities of 20 to 600 micro amps (sub sensory to nerve firing), and has been shown to be of value to many health concerns.

Modern FSM training has been available to physicians of Chiropractic, Naturopathic, and Allopathic since late 1997. FSM is highly specialized and can be used alone, or with additional therapies as determined on a case-per-case basis. There are no other therapies in medicine that are comparable to FSM.

Since no tissue biopsy studies have been performed in FSM, it is not known exactly how FSM works; however, well over 12,000 patient cases have been studied. The following is the theory of how FSM works.

Remember your high school chemistry class. Think about the explanation of the atom. At the center of the atom are the protons and neutrons. This is called the nucleus. The old theory, in the 1960s, was the electrons were spinning in orbits around the nucleus. Modern research has shown that the electrons actually vibrate back and forth in orbits around the nucleus, instead of spinning in continuous, mono-directional circles. This new understanding is the basis of FSM theory.

Each tissue in the body has individualized frequencies. The individualized and specific vibrational characteristic of each atom, of each tissue type, varies even more specifically for varying conditions, such as: trauma, inflammation, stress, environmental influences, etc. To put the theory of vibrations in a better overall perspective: different vibrations / frequencies of sound, light, radio waves, etc., are responsible for notes of music, colors of light, and radio stations. Vibrations are specific and unique for all matter, inorganic and organic.

When an injury occurs to a tissue, the electrons in the affected tissue take on a different vibrational characteristic, unique to that injury or other abnormal condition. As the vibrations of the electrons change, it is believed the electrons concurrently may also change to a different “orbit” from what was normal for that tissue type.

FSM is “frequency specific” because we match the frequencies of the tissue disruptions with the frequencies of the therapy. The new vibrational characteristics that occur from damage to a tissue are countered with specific micro-current frequencies that match the exact abnormal frequencies that are present in the damaged tissue. The desired effect is to neutralize those frequencies that are incorrect for the damaged / affected tissues.

As the wrong electron frequencies are neutralized, and the electrons return to their normal orbital vibrations, the physiological condition of the tissues will begin to normalize. The speed at which these changes occur varies with each individual. Some patients may experience a notable change immediately after treatment, or in some cases the greatest changes will not be noticed for up to 24 hours. Changes occur in steps of progression. It is unreasonable to expect a tissue that was harshly affected by trauma or other outside / environmental influences, to change drastically in one day. Most chronic conditions of long standing will usually demonstrate significant changes after the first six treatments spinal cord stimulation. However this is very individualized and can vary dramatically for any patient and / or condition. Some conditions may respond with rapid changes, while other conditions may take longer for notable changes to occur.

To better explain, if the electrons have been at the “wrong” frequencies for an extended period of time, after treatment the electrons may try to go back to those wrong frequencies (rebound) perhaps within four to seven days. Thus the net result is usually an average of six treatments for the notable changes to become long lasting. Micro-current treatment should be repeated at appropriate intervals until the cause and effect principle becomes permanent.

Our bodies produce an electrical charge that can be scientifically measured. The amount of current or electrical charge used in FSM is approximately the same level as what the cells in our body normally produce. This amount of electrical current is far below our ability to perceive any stimulus via our “sensory nerves.” Our sensory nerves are those nerves that allow us to feel anything that touches our skin, allows us to sense heat, etc. If our sensory nerves were able to react at those extremely low levels of electrical charge, we would be feeling nerve sensations all the time, instead of at the appropriate times. This difference accounts for the reason why micro-current is “sub sensory.” The electrical charge produced by micro-current is below the level at which our sensory nerves can perceive.

A benefit of causing healthy electrical changes at the cellular level is an increase in cellular activity. This enhanced cellular activity causes a 500% increase in ATP production from the cells treated with FSM. (ATP is the “fuel” your body manufactures for use and / or storage of energy.) In addition to the dramatic increase in ATP production, enhanced cellular activity also causes an excitement by your cells to dump old stored toxins into your bloodstream; toxins that may have been accumulating over years. As the released toxins enter your bloodstream, they will eventually reach and be processed by your liver in a detoxification pathway, then dumped out of your body. Your liver has enzymes that can normally process all toxins, however such a dramatic increase in toxins all at once is like rush hour traffic on the freeway. As the toxins become backed up, some side effects can be experienced. These include: nausea, fatigue, drowsiness, a temporary increase in pain, and a flu-like feeling. These side effects, if experienced, may occur during treatment, or may not be noticed until perhaps 90 minutes after treatment, and could last from 4 to 24 hours. Taking antioxidants and / or liver support supplementation immediately prior to treatment will help neutralize / process those toxins faster. Drinking two quarts of pure water in the two hours immediately following treatment will greatly help facilitate / accelerate your liver detoxification pathways.

As an example of how effective FSM is in causing cells to release deeply stored toxins, deep tissue massage, which also allows cells to release toxins, is used for comparison: 20 minutes of FSM releases as many toxins as four hours of deep tissue massage.

Another positive benefit of FSM is a re-establishment of the normal communication between the brain and the affected tissue. When a tissue has been injured or otherwise negatively affected, over a period of time the active role the brain plays in either trying to heal the tissue, or acknowledging a continual cycle of pain, may be reduced, or totally eliminated. This is a similar brain-to-injured tissue mechanism that would be experienced in the following two examples. In the event of endless pain: In a person who has experienced a traumatic emotional event, a state of amnesia may set in so the person may no longer remember that event. This is a form of physiological / psychological protection the body uses to protect the person from any further emotional trauma. On a purely physiological example of how the brain will send signals to heal an injured tissue, but fall short of total healing: When a race horse pulls a tendon, that tendon will only heal to 80% of normal. Veterinary science will use a process called “pin firing” where pins are inserted into the 80% healed tendons to cause an aggravation. This aggravation sends signals to the horse’s brain, causing the tendon to heal the remaining 20%, allowing the horse to re-enter racing. This technique to heal tendons in racehorses has been used for many years. With FSM, the same type of re-establishment of brain-to-damaged tissue ensues. The brain may become “re-awakened” to the pain in that tissue, and will once again participate in sending signals to the rest of the body to heal those old injuries. What the patient may experience in these cases is a mild increase in pain for a few days, to a few weeks. This is a positive sign that the brain is taking a more active role in the recovery process.

FSM has remarkable speed of healing injured tissues in sports, worker’s, and auto accidents often with a three-fold increase in healing times, with a more complete / long-term healing, when compared to the other usual modalities used in medicine to treat similar injuries.

Patients receiving chelation, and other therapies for heavy metal toxicity report, that of all available therapies for heavy metal toxicity, a single session of FSM released more heavy metal toxins than any other treatments. The net result being FSM was very cost effective.

Patients who suffered from chronic parasitic infections, who had received all possible conventional treatments for their infections, with concurrent lab tests revealing the infection was “no longer present”, complained it felt like the infection was still present, somewhere deep. FSM was the therapy that finally allowed those individuals to feel free at last, of their infections. This could be due to deeply buried and latent parasites hidden in the tissues, and / or that the negative influential energies of those infections that were never neutralized. One of the many great benefits of FSM is its ability to neutralize negative influential energies. In a very clear example of how energies can remain intact, long after something has already physically been removed, is the following example. This was a scientifically based demonstration viewed on a PBS educational series a few years ago. Special research photography had shown a very clear, blue in color energy field, outlining the exact anatomical size and location of a man’s finger that had been completely severed in an industrial accident many years earlier. Yet this man could still “feel” his finger, even though his finger was totally missing. This is known as phantom pain.

?Questions Answered

 What is Microcurrent? Microcurrent is a physical therapy modality that has been in use for over 16 years. Microcurrent is measured in millionths of an amp. By comparison, a TENS unit and most other electrotherapies produce milliamps, 1000 times greater. Your own cells communicate with current in micro amps.

How does it work? Your body seems to use the Microcurrent energy to increase its own energy production. Microcurrent increases the production of ATP, your own chemical energy, by up to 500%. It also increases protein synthesis and waste product removal.

Why can’t I feel it? The current is so low it doesn’t stimulate sensory nerves.

How do the frequencies work? The frequencies appear to work on the principle of biologic resonance. A singer can shatter a glass when the note resonates with the crystal structure of the glass. Microcurrent frequencies seem to be able to resonate with biologic tissue and change the structure of the tissue when the frequency is correct. Once the tissue is changed and stable it seems to be able to stay in the new configuration.

What are the benefits of FSM therapy? Microcurrent treatment is painless, increases speed of recovery, often promotes healing in conditions that have not responded to other treatment, and is cost effective. The effects are long lasting and the healing of tissue is more complete.

FSM has been shown to help improve circulation, increase energy, repair damaged tissue and detoxify the body. While some patients have reported immediate total recovery a few hours after their first session, others have needed extended therapy (more than one session) to completely eliminate their pain. In a fibromyalgia study of 160 people conducted from 1999 to 2003, patients said their pain reduced from a high pain point of 7.3 to a low pain point of 1.3 after their first treatment.

What are the side effects? Microcurrent changes muscle tissue, softens scar tissue, and increases circulation with the effect of removing long stored waste products and increasing cellular metabolism so quickly that there is often a detoxification reaction after treatment. Some people have a similar reaction after a massage but the reaction after Microcurrent is stronger because so much is accomplished in such a short period of time.

The side effects can include nausea, fatigue, drowsiness, a temporary increase in pain, and a flu-like feeling. The side effects usually start during or about 90 minutes after treatment, and may last from 4 to 24 hours. Patients are advised to take antioxidants before treatment to neutralize released toxins and to drink two quarts of water following treatment. There have been no lasting adverse reactions reported. FSM has a history of being very safe.

?Frequency Specific Microcurrent Offers New Hope? For People With Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia 

Approximately 10 million Americans suffer from a condition known as fibromyalgia syndrome. This condition is characterized by widespread muscle pain, extreme fatigue and chronic non-restorative sleep disturbances for more than three months? duration. Although pain and inflammation are among the symptoms, they are not the cause of the disease. Therefore, treating the inflammation and pain of fibromyalgia with anti-inflammatory drugs, pain medication or even natural remedies is rarely effective.

There are four common traumas that can cause fibromyalgia. Most patients with fibromyalgia have experienced one of the following events 4 to 12 months before their symptoms appeared: (1) neck injuries or cervical spine trauma; (2) toxicity or chemically induced trauma; (3) acute or prolonged severe emotional stress; and (4) immune system trauma from unresolved viral or undiagnosed illness.

Although these traumatic events seem unrelated on the surface, each one can be the precipitating cause of two systemic problems present in almost every fibromyalgia patient. The first effect is damage to the neuroendocrine system, resulting in adrenal exhaustion and hormonal imbalance. The second effect is the reduction of cellular energy in the mitochondria, which is the power-producing part of the cell. Recovery from fibromyalgia requires that all causative factors and the hormonal and cellular energy production problems be addressed and corrected.

Although this approach has been effective with all types of fibromyalgia, this article will address the evaluation and treatment of fibromyalgia caused by cervical spine trauma. Approximately 25 percent of patients with fibromyalgia report the onset of pain following a cervical trauma. The most common injuries result from motor vehicle accidents (whiplash), surgeries, trauma from falling down or injuries from lifting or moving heavy objects.

The symptoms associated with cervical trauma-induced fibromyalgia include: neck pain; burning pain between the shoulder blades, shoulder, arm, hand, back, leg and foot: headaches; fatigue; weakness; sleep disturbance; depression; and digestive problems. Patients with this type of fibromyalgia complain of aching, burning, sharp, shooting and/or stabbing pain.

A new treatment called frequency specific microcurrent (FSM) offers hope to patients with fibromyalgia. A clinical trial of 160 patients with cervical trauma-induced fibromyalgia treated from 1999 and 2003 was conducted using FSM. On a subjective pain scale (1=no pain to 10=severe pain), these patients reported an average pain reduction from 7.3 to 1.3 after their initial treatment with FSM.

The treatment involved the use of 200 to 600 micro-amperes of direct electrical current to the spinal cord also known as spinal cord stimulation. Condition and tissue-specific frequencies are utilized to effectively reduce the inflammation in the spinal cord and restore normal nerve conduction. Most patients benefiting from this spinal cord stimulation treatment were pain-free for the first time in years. The initial pain relief lasted five to 48 hours and was the start of recovery.

Follow-up FSM treatments were conducted twice a week and most patients required daily use of a home FSM unit to control the pain. The average number of treatments to remain pain-free was 10 treatments.

Recent studies have determined a biological mechanism for the result seen in patients. FSM treatment affected the serum levels of several biochemical constituents including IL-1, IL-6, TNF-a, Substance-P and LOX, which are inflammation pain related biological chemicals. All were significantly reduced when measured after the FSM treatment. There was also a dramatic increase in b- endorphin, a naturally-occurring chemical which helps reduce pain, and a 500 percent increase in ATP, the body’s fuel storage molecule used in cellular energy production.

Dietary changes and nutritional supplements were combined with the FSM treatments to address other contributing factors, such as the endocrine and cellular energy weaknesses in all patients. Furthermore, depending on the individual needs of the patient, the following imbalances were corrected before a lasting recovery could be reached: neurotransmitter (serotonin and catecholamine) deficiencies, digestive problems, liver, adrenal, and thyroid dysfunction, soft tissue and joint problems, and unresolved mental/emotional issues.

Beyond alleviating the effects of fibromyalgia, FSM also has shown great promise in the successful treatment of athletic injuries, chronic or acute joint pain/stiffness, pain associated with gall stones and kidney stones, closed head injuries, shingles, post herpetic neuralgia, infections, diabetic ulcers, wound healing, and other conditions that are often unresponsive to conventional medical treatment.


 For a more Detailed Explanation of FSM


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The Wellness Pro PLUS is not a Rife machine. While this website may refer to Rife or similar frequency healing devices, studies or theories such references are not meant to imply any applications to the Wellness Pro PLUS. The Wellness Pro PLUS has no application to frequency healing theories and any representation, suggestion or implication is contrary to the Wellness Pro manufacturer’s specific and FDA cleared application.  The Wellness Pro PLUS is an FDA cleared TENS Unit intended for the relief of pain and federal law requires a Prescription by as licensed practitioner for personal use. The statements enclosed herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or the American Medical Association. The statements mentioned herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information and statements made are for educational purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your family doctor. We do not dispense medical advice, prescribe or diagnose illness. 
