Pain Relief Treatment In Our Office

706 2nd Street
Marble Falls, Texas 78669

It is our belief that routine use of this device has proven to be the most effective alternative pain relief treatment available for Chronic Pain.

Initial appointment is free to demonstrate the effectiveness of the Wellness Pro PLUS Medical Device. No drugs or chemicals are used in our office. No diagnosis or treatment regime is proposed. This is the ONLY pain relief treatment that is offered.

No insurance or Medicare is billed in our office.

Call for an appointment. 512-917-8917



What Can I Expect

Typical Patient responses vary from individual to individual and range from immediate and complete recovery in one treatment to an initial increased discomfort then slow and steady recovery. In some cases it may take 3-10 treatments before some breakthrough occurs.

The effectiveness and sustainability of the treatments as always not only depends on your practitioner it also largely depends on the patient and their commitment to supporting the healing process, which includes proper hydration, nutrition and physical exercise.


Scientists have studied TENS for the following health problems:

Note: TENS has been suggested for many uses, based on
tradition or on scientific theories. However, these uses have not been
thoroughly studied in humans, and there is limited scientific evidence about
safety or effectiveness. Some of these suggested uses are for conditions that
are potentially life-threatening. Consult with a health care provider before
using TENS for any use.


Pain Relief Treatment

TENS is most often used to treat pain and is suggested
to treat a wide variety of acute and chronic pain associated with cancer, cancer
treatments, burns, amputation (phantom limb pain), and other causes. TENS has
also been studied as anesthesia for medical procedures and surgeries.
Joint disorders
There is some evidence that TENS may relieve various
kinds of joint pain, such as knee osteoarthritis, patellofemoral syndrome, and
temporomandibular joint pain.
Alzheimer’s disease
A small amount of early research reports that TENS may
improve some symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, such as mood, memory and cycles of daily rest and activity.
Heart disease
TENS may be used to treat cardiovascular conditions
such as angina (chest pain from heart disease) and cardiac ischemia (lack of
blood flow to the heart). Further study is needed before conclusions can be
drawn regarding the effectiveness of TENS in this area. People with heart
disease or chest pain are advised to seek immediate medical attention from a
licensed physician. Many well-studied drugs for heart disease are
Autoimmune disorders
TENS has used to treat numerous autoimmune disorders,
including rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis (arthritis of the spine),
and Sjögren’s syndrome.
Back pain
TENS or acupuncture-like TENS has been used to treat
pain affecting the back, neck, and shoulders. TENS is also reported to reduce
the recurrence of spinal disk hernias.
Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation)
Several small studies report that TENS may reduce
short-term discomfort and the need for pain medications.
There is some evidence that TENS may have some benefits
in patients with migraines, cluster headaches, or chronic headaches.
Nerve disorders
TENS has been proposed as a treatment for nerve
disorders, such as hemiplegia (paralysis on one side of the body) and spasticity
in multiple sclerosis. TENS has also been used to treat nerve pain (neuralgia)
resulting from bruxism (teeth grinding) and spinal chord injuries.
Labor pain
The use of TENS for labor pain is controversial.
Although several studies have been conducted, the results have not been
conclusive. More studies are needed to make a firm conclusion. It is not clear
if passage of electricity using TENS has harmful effects on the
Pain from broken bones/acute
There is some evidence that TENS may relieve pain from
broken bones and other physical trauma.
Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (nerve
TENS has been suggested as a treatment for peripheral
neuropathy in diabetics.
Postoperative recovery
There are multiple studies of TENS being used to treat
pain after different types of surgery, including abdominal surgery, heart
surgery, lung surgery, gynecologic surgery and orthopedic surgery. Some studies
report benefits (less pain, less pain with movement, or less need for pain
medications), and others find no improvements.
Post-stroke rehabilitation
There is some evidence that TENS is beneficial in
stroke rehabilitation. TENS may improve motor function in stroke patients.
Further research is needed to draw a firm conclusion about
TENS has been reported to help heal skin wounds and
skin ulcers.
Urinary incontinence, overactive bladder,
detrusor instability
Although several studies have supported using TENS to
treat urinary incontinence, more research is necessary.
Spinal muscular atrophy (in children)
TENS therapy has been suggested for children with
spinal muscular atrophy.
One small study of gastroparesis patients receiving
percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (similar to TENS) reported favorable
Breathing difficulties
Some evidence suggests that TENS could be useful for
breathing difficulties, such as in burn patients or in adjunct to other
components in a rehabilitation program for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Carpal tunnel syndrome
TENS therapy have been studied as a treatment for
carpel tunnel syndrome.
Soft tissue injury
TENS therapy has been used for treating soft tissue
injuries, such as tendonitis and tendon injuries.
Multiple sclerosis
In a small study, patients with multiple sclerosis
treated with TENS showed a trend toward improvement.
Claudication (leg pain due to poor blood
Some evidence suggests chronic electrical muscle
stimulation may be beneficial for the relief of intermittent claudication
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
A small study found a moderate benefit in children with
Cognitive impairment
There is some evidence that TENS improves mood and mild
cognitive impairment in otherwise healthy elderly patients.
Low blood pressure
There is some evidence that TENS reduces the severity
of low blood pressure in patients undergoing Cesarean section.
Tinnitus (ringing in the ear)
TENS may relieve the symptoms of tinnitus, especially
when the tinnitus is not caused by other conditions.
TENS has been used in therapy for autistic children,
although the benefits remain unclear. More research is needed to determine
whether TENS is an effective form of therapy for autism.
TENS has been reported to aid weight loss in obese
Menopausal symptoms
TENS has been shown to help regulate hormonal balance
in women undergoing menopause.
There is limited evidence that TENS effectively treats
depression and increases the effectiveness of depression medications.
Treatment with TENS has been reported to relieve
constipation with no adverse effects.
Pancreatic disorders
TENS has been used to treat patients with acute
TENS has been reported to relieve the symptoms of
seasonal allergies, though the benefits are not well understood.
Muscle strength (physical performance)
It has been reported that physical recovery after
exercise improves with TENS therapy. TENS has been also used to increase muscle
strength, suggesting potential benefits in physical therapy and rehabilitation.
Stomach complaints
TENS has been combined with magnet therapy for the
treatment of heartburn.
Blood flow
There is some evidence that TENS can enhance blood
flow, especially after surgical procedures.
Raynaud’s disease
There is some evidence to suggest that TENS may improve
the symptoms associated with Raynaud’s disease.
Relief from notalgia paresthetica, a type of itching,
has been reported with TENS.
There is limited evidence that TENS decreases uric acid
levels in the blood, which suggests that it may be an effective treatment for